Future of Intelligence at Netflix

UPDATE: I am pleased to announce that Chris Cochran has joined the team to lead our intelligence program. He will be posting the rest of the articles in this series and I will link over to his work from here!

I have been chatting with Mary Landesman, our intelligence lead, about how best to derrive business value from threat intelligence in Netflix’s unique culture and modern technology stack. Threat intelligence can be a slippery concept. While we have seen it work well, we have also seen it struggle to keep up with changing technologies and observed uneven return on investment across industries and organizations. We came up with a bunch of questions and a few promising theories. I will share those in a series of posts in the hope of drawing out debate and new ideas. Mary is looking towards retirement! So we are looking for the next generation intelligence leader to continue our momentum for Netflix, and the broader community. If that sounds interesting please get in touch: amaestretti@netflix.com

Thanks to Mary for the insights and rewrites. Some of the topics (I will add links as they post):

  1. The evolution of IOCs

  2. Attribution

  3. Intelligence for Vulnerability Management

  4. Intelligence for Fraud Prevention (Chris)

  5. Intelligence: Right Down AppSec Lane (Chris)

  6. Physical and Information Security Convergence

  7. Detecting Pre-Operational Surveillance

  8. Strategic Security Intelligence

  9. Requirements gathering, feedback, and the intelligence cycle

  10. Building sustainable threat sharing communities that add value